Category Archives: Books

Vampire Waltz

With J.R. Rain Available for Kindle, Nook and Kobo. Two bestselling vampire novels together in one omnibus, including: THE VAMPIRE CLUB   The first in a series that features The Vampire Club, a group of lovable, laughable, larcenous college students turned vampire hunters. Over 150 years ago, a man was killed with a silver bullet […]

The Vampire Club

With J.R. Rain Available for Kindle. Over 150 years ago, a man was killed with a silver bullet in a rural, Pennsylvanian town. A man who just might be a vampire. The Vampire Club, a group of misfits who meet regularly in the basement of Western Virginia University’s library, think that they might have found […]

The Manor Screenplay

A Supernatural Screenplay Available for Kindle and Kobo. What happens when you’re driven to create at the risk of losing your very soul? Original screenplay adaptation of the author’s 2004 novel THE MANOR. When artists gather at a remote mountain retreat, their energy feeds the fire of a slumbering spirit. After paranormal researcher Anna Galloway […]

The Gorge Screenplay

Available for Kindle. “‘Deliverance’ with fangs.” Author’s original screenplay adaptation of the 2007 paperback  THEY HUNGER. An experimental rafting expedition, an FBI manhunt for a delusional killer, and the worst storm in decades collide in the remote mountain wilderness…and then THEY come out. Bowie Whitlock and a team of celebrity athletes is commissioned to test […]

Spider Web

A Vampire Thriller (The Spider Series: Book 2) With J.R. Rain Available for Kindle, Nook and Kobo. For Spider, being a vampire is bad enough, but he’s also cursed with the need to help others. Especially when they are young, attractive, and female. So when Parker Cole goes on a cruise to aid her recovery […]

Skeleton Tango

Two Novels With J.R. Rain Available for Kindle, Nook and Kobo. Two novels from two bestselling authors, J.R. Rain and Scott Nicholson, including: CURSED!   Albert Shipway is an ordinary guy, an insurance negotiator who likes booze and women and never having to say he’s sorry. And he thinks this is just another day, another […]

The Red Church (Chinese)

(Simplified Chinese Edition)  Runa Jiang (Editor), Frostwolf (Illustrator), Yan Zhou (Translator), Jing Guan (Translator), Xiuli Zhan (Translator), Huangzhao Xu (Translator), Jian Su (Translator) Available for Kindle. 《红教堂》 美国,北卡罗莱纳山区,在这片闭塞区域的人们过着几乎与世隔绝的生活,更有着你闻所未闻的传说故事,经过一代代人的口耳相传,有些已快要被人忘却,而有的则愈发神秘。而在其中一个叫作松吟镇的山村里,就流传着一个有关血与救赎的故事。 一起接一起的命案,支离破碎的尸体,没有线索,难以解释。这一切究竟和教堂里刚回乡的新教士有什么关系,又和古老家族的过去有什么关系?古老的罪孽,现时的救赎。那传说中的老牧师究竟是谁,而新来的教士的真实身份又是什么? 这一连串的谜团让弗兰克•利特菲尔德警长无从下手。可是,命丧教堂的弟弟的灵魂却再次出现在眼前,弗兰克终于找到了过去与现在、教堂与命案、传说与现实之间的蛛丝马迹,可是,随着调查的深入,他离事实真相也越来越近,也越来越清楚地发现,那正是自己最不愿意接受的事实。他不得不勇敢地面对过去,面对那恐怖的——钟怪。 13岁少年罗尼•戴并不知道,自己已经成为了钟怪最大的目标。而自从命案发生后,他的母亲就不太对劲,于是,父亲就成了他和弟弟蒂姆唯一的依靠了。当钟怪的威胁迫在眉睫之时,父子三人该如何应对,是举起枪射出对幽灵毫无作用的子弹,还是闭上眼睛祈祷上帝的显灵?抑或是,他们还能找到第三种方法? “牺牲是神的货币,”这是新来的教士阿彻的布道。这位麦克福尔家族的少爷出手阔绰,却选择在这破旧的老教堂中传播福音。他的目的何在?福音中隐含了什么样的信息?那血淋淋的圣餐又和镇上的命案有什么联系? 警长和少年,当两人各自接近事件的真相时,迎接他们的将会是什么样的恐怖?而他们又该怎么做,才能拯救亲朋好友,拯救松吟镇,拯救世界?而他们又会付出什么样的代价和牺牲? 毕竟——牺牲是神的货币。 Share …           Follow Scott … 

Monster’s Ink

[Paperback] Available for Kindle and Nook. The pen is mightier than the sword…for the ink used to tell the thirteen tales within is more devastating than any earthly weapon… Meet the Christian Soldiers, eager to show a new and terrifying path to Salvation for those who would dare cast the first stone… A reporter finds […]

La bague au crâne

(French Edition)  Guillemette Allard-Bares (Translator) Available for Kindle and Nook. Le passé de Julia Stone reparaît furtivement quand elle découvre une étrange bague ornée d’un crâne, et trois hommes veulent l’aider — mais le fait de choisir le mauvais pourrait bien lui coûter non seulement son cœur, mais aussi son âme. Le Dr Paméla Forrest […]

Horror Movies

Three Screenplays Available for Kindle. Three full-length horror movie scripts from bestselling writer Scott Nicholson. THE GORGE: An experimental rafting expedition, an FBI manhunt, a deranged killer, and the worst storm in decades collide int he remote Appalachian wilderness…and then THEY come shrieking down from the cliffs. Adapted from the author’s 2007 horror thriller THEY […]

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