Category Archives: Books

Ballons fripons

(French Edition)  Sergio Castro (Illustrator), Guillemette Allard-Bares (Translator) Tous les enfants adorent les ballons aux couleurs vives. Et Mattie veut des tas de ballons pour son sixième anniversaire. Papa essaie de lui faire plaisir, mais il arrive malheur à tous les ballons qu’il ramène à la maison. Mais Papa a préparé une surprise très spéciale […]

Aufs kreuz gelegt

(German Edition) Stefan Mommertz (Translator) Available for Kindle and Nook. Als Vincent in einer Seitenstraße in New York erwacht, dämmert ihm langsam, dass er Opfer eines Raubüberfalls wurde. Ohne Geld und Papiere wäre seine Lage an sich schon schlimm genug – doch sein wirkliches Problem sitzt in einer Gefängniszelle in Sing Sing. Eine Kurzgeschichte mit […]

Kiss Me or Die

It’s the worst novel ever written. And it’s all the fault of that evil, soul-hopping spirit that took over Richard Coldiron’s head. Or maybe the other four people up there. Buy ebook at Amazon, B&N, or Smashwords, Kobo, Apple and in audiobook at Audible and iTunes. A Richard Coldiron Novel A metafictional thriller Richard’s life is a horror story. And it’s all the fault […]

Burial to Follow

A SUPERNATURAL NOVELLA “Like Stephen King, he knows how to summon serious scares.”–Bentley Little Available for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords and Apple When Jacob Ridgehorn dies, it’s up to Roby Snow to make sure his soul goes on to the eternal reward. The only way Roby can do that is convince the Ridgehorn family to eat a special pie. Lurking in […]

Chronic Fear

the sequel to Liquid Fear Available for Kindle US, Kindle UK, paperback at Amazon or, and in audio from Audible and iTunes. For a signed trade paperback click “Add to Cart” ($9.95 plus $3 S&H) Chronic Fear is the second installment of Scott Nicholson’s chilling Fear Series, which began with the harrowing Liquid Fear. The story picks up one year after the notorious […]

Crime Beat

Crime doesn’t pay…but neither does journalism. A MYSTERY NOVELLA View at Amazon US or Amazon UK for Kindle, Barnes & Noble for Nook, Kobo all formats at Smashwords and an audiobook at Audible. When John Moretz takes a job as a reporter in the Appalachian town of Sycamore Shade, a crime wave erupts that boosts circulation and leaves people uneasy. Then a murder victim is discovered, […]


By Scott Nicholson and J.R. Rain Available on Kindle and  Nook. Albert Shipway is an ordinary guy, an insurance negotiator who likes booze and women and never having to say he’s sorry.  And he thinks this is just another day, another lunch, another order of kung pao chicken. Little does he know that he’s about to meet […]


Available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo and Apple. A collection of 13 crime and mystery tales from the vaults of Scott Nicholson. Includes “How to Nail Your Own Coffin” and Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror selection “Dog Person,” as well as the psychological thrillers “Letters and Lies,” “Sewing Circle,” and more stories that appeared in magazines such as Crimewave, Cemetery Dance, […]

Der Schädelring

(The Skull Ring German edition) Aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen von Christa Polkinhorn Available at, Amazon U.S., Amazon UK Niemand fesselt so sehr wie Nicholson. Niemand. – J.A. Konrath, Mr. K: Thriller Julia Stone wird sich erinnern, selbst wenn es sie umbringt.Mithilfe einer Therapeutin versucht Julia, Kindheitserinnerungen aus der Nacht, in der ihr Vater verschwand, zu einem Bild zusammenzufügen. […]


Trade paperback on Kindle and Nook. Click “Add to Cart” for a signed trade paperback ($9.95 + $3 S&H) 72 pages of black-and-white supernatural suspense, adapted from Scott’s short stories, with art by Kewber (CHAOS CAMPUS, SPLEEPRUNNERS, THE GORGE). Includes the complete contents of issues #1 & 2 plus two original bonus stories, rare sketches, […]

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