(AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a PREQUEL novella to the After post-apocalyptic series. These events happen BEFORE Book 1 in the series. It is not necessary to read this before reading Book 1. In fact, you don’t have to read this one at all, it’s just here if you want it. I hope you enjoy it!- Scott)
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Look for the books in the series, After: The Shock, After: The Echo, and After: Milepost 291.
“Nobody thrills like Nicholson does. Nobody.” – J.A. Konrath, Origin
“Like Stephen King, he knows how to summon serious scares.” – Bentley Little, The Burning
The beginning of the end…
When NASA scientists detect intense solar activity, the warnings go unheeded. Soon communications fail, power goes out, and the world’s technological infrastructure collapses.
But the solar radiation has also inflicted an unpredictable change–a disruption in the impulses of the human brain. Billions die. And they are the lucky ones…
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