“Don’t be afraid. We won’t make an author of you, not while there’s an honest trade to be learned, or brick making to turn to.” — Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
Whether you’re submitting your manuscript to agents and publishers or planning to self-publish, you owe it to your book to make it the best possible product. Many newer writers find the road is tough and can’t seem to figure out where or why their writing is failing. You should seek feedback from experienced readers (who are not necessarily writers) or join a local or online writers’ group. There are many professional freelance editing services available, but some of those places are fronts for scam artists. I recommend exercising caution and doing your homework before committing to spend money with such places.
Of course, this is also an era when self-publishing is now a reasonable option, in which case you still want your best work out there.
If you like, you can give me a try. I have published 30 books and sold more than a million copies, worked as a professional journalist for 14 years, copyedited several traditionally published books that weren’t mine, and all of my own fiction has been professionally edited and copyedited with my participation. As a reporter, I copyedited the news section of almost every edition of the Watauga Democrat for fourteen years, won three state press association awards, and taught at numerous workshops. As a freelancer, I have edited about 30 novel manuscripts.
I don’t make extravagant promises. My goal is to help you become a better writer, not just produce a better book. The process is satisfying and many of my clients end up becoming friends, because discussing a book is sort of like counseling–except I’m not like a psychiatrist who wants to keep you sick so that you’re a lifelong customer. Nothing would make me happier than for you to outgrow the need for my help. And it’s easy:
First, educate yourself at SFWA’s Writer Beware. Look over my web site, biography, bibliography, and writing articles to make sure I’m qualified. Then send the equivalent of five double-spaced pages of your work (at no charge) to authorscottnicholson At gmail.com. I will review it and offer editing tips and advice and send the sample back via U.S./Canadian postal mail, so include your mailing address with your submission. If it’s helpful to you, and worth pursuing further for each of us, then we can work out an arrangement for rates. But the free sample is yours to use however you want. My rates are competitive and fair–yes, I do charge, but this is not just about money, it’s about improving our craft and growing as human beings.
I have more experience in the horror, mystery, and thriller fields, but I am willing to look at any kind of writing. I can’t guarantee I’ll turn you into a bestseller or even a published author, but I will guarantee that I can help you turn yourself into a better writer–I’ve already helped quite a few. If I can’t, you’re already experienced enough to know that you have no business paying for my help. Good for you, and good luck. If you have any questions, drop me a line at authorscottnicholson AT gmail.com.
I currently charge $2 per regular, double-spaced manuscript page (approximately 250 words) for a full critique and line edit, plus return postage charges as I prefer to edit on paper with a red pen. For a critique only, it’s 75 cents per manuscript page. My critiques generally run five pages for a full-size novel. My editing contract is based on the Editors’ Association of Canada standard contract.