A Vampire Thriller (The Spider Series: Book 2)
With J.R. Rain
Available for Kindle, Nook and Kobo.
For Spider, being a vampire is bad enough, but he’s also cursed with the need to help others. Especially when they are young, attractive, and female.
So when Parker Cole goes on a cruise to aid her recovery from demonic possession, Spider goes along to keep an eye on her. It doesn’t take long before Parker comes across a small-time thief who has swiped some big-time trouble – a mummified finger that holds mysterious black magic. Worse, the finger’s owner is Demande Jemarcus, a crime lord and witch doctor who will do anything in his power to get it back.
And his power includes the ability to turn a shipload of passengers into zombies…
The second book in the Spider vampire series. Check out for the first, BAD BLOOD, by J.R. Rain, Scott Nicholson and H.T. Night.
Bad Blood is fast, hilarious and sexy. Rain, Nicholson and Night just might have created the coolest vampire since Kiefer Sutherland. The Mount Shasta setting is dreamy. The cult is deliciously creepy. And Spider is as sexy as they come. I was pressing the ereader’s ‘forward’ button so fast that I broke it. Let’s hope we hear more from Spider.”
-H.P. MALLORY, #1 bestselling author of Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble and To Kill A Warlock.